Friday 30 August 2013

Little (Awkward) Things

Hey, I'm back! ( ゚▽゚)/ I have finally reached the top of my mountain of homeworks and have successfully survived the past few weeks, making it back--- but barely alive. There will be more to come, I'm sure of it. Anyways, let's start off with this, shall we?:


Now, this entry will be all about awkward moments, as what our club advisor told us to make. So, anyways, that is me in my fish costume. You see, our school has this program every year called "China Tour". Just this summer, I decided to join. It's 8 weeks in China with no family and home. Just friends, other friends from other schools, independence, extra curricular activities (dancing, wu shu, music, etc.), and, well, obviously, Chinese. 

One day, they started to pick out girls who would be part of the "年年有余" (read as: nián nián yǒu yú) dance or "There Is A Surplus Every Year" dance, in English (I'm not sure if I got the meaning right). I don't really know how the fish costume is related to the title of the song though. They chose those who were "thin and tall". I'm not boasting or anything, but I kind of saw that coming.

Anyways, even though wearing that headdress thing and the costume made me feel awkward, I don't regret being a part of it. I remember one of my fellow dancemates got frustrated of me because I sucked at dancing it. I thought that she was such an overachiever. That pushed me into working harder and doing my best. I didn't want to embarrass myself. And sure enough, in the end, it all payed off. I did pretty well, if I do say so myself. I realized that hard work and sweat will bring glory in the end. Overachieving isn't so bad after all.  (⌒▽⌒)☆

Looking at that picture doesn't only remind me of the dance, but the whole China Tour experience itself and a person that taught me a lesson about perseverance. Even though we've never talked, I noticed something. I would casually look below the balcony and would notice him mopping the halls below when it's wet from the rain. At other times, he would practice basketball even though he sucks at it. Practicing in a place where he knows that people could see him fail, and so on. I looked up to him. Second, he taught me to do things before it's too late. I should've talked to him, to tell him of how much I was inspired by him. Or maybe he's not as great as I thought...? I don't know. I wanted to find out, but couldn't. I was too embarrassed.  (╯︵╰,)

But the point is, I was once a lazy, unproductive being. I didn't know what to do with my time. But that was then, and this is now. I am slowly evolving, working my way up towards bigger goals. Improving my academic performance step by step. And, well, slightly overachieving. Who knew that one summer can change a person so quickly? (*⌒∇⌒*)

Monday 19 August 2013

A World of New Beginnings

Hey there!ヾ(^∇^)  I'm not really sure how this blog thing works (I still get lost around here wondering which button to click (。_。;) ), but I guess I'll get the hang of it somehow. Now, I'm sure you're wondering what this blog is all about, what the title stands for, and most probably why I chose such a peculiar blog address. 

Well, first thing's first. This blog is all about, as the message below the title says, where I place my experiences, share my interests, and where my assembly of thoughts gather. More specifically, I intend to use this blog as a place to store my memorable adventures and maybe people I meet along the way. I also want to express my love of food, fashion, and many other things in the form of writing. 

You want to know how'd i get such a title? Well, I'll tell you. Whether you like it or not. The reason why I chose that title is because I describe myself as a person who loves a variety. A person who can't stand having a taste of everything. I can't just choose one thing in almost all categories. Especially food.

And in case you're wondering why I chose this blog address, I chose it because, well, all my other ideas were already taken and the day that I created this blog was also the day of the deadline of blog link submission (I joined Blogger's Hub in my school, a club that serves as guide to its members for blogging), so I just decided to send the link to our club adviser,  Ms. Gaza. I was already sleepy that time, so I didn't care (−.−)Zzz・・・. Also, for those of you who don't know me and just happened to come across my blog, you know the nursery rhyme "Jack and Jill", right? Well, my name's Jillian.

So that's the story of how this blog started. Signing off~! (^ _ ^)/~~